"CUT IT OUT Mikey !! I'm not gonna take you ANYWHERE any more if you don't stop this shit. PANTS-INS me in PUBLIC!!"
"Shut UP . . . You'd wear panties if you didn't WANT it."
"Holy SHIT Mikey .. . are you saying I secretly want to show my perfect ass off to my own BROTHER?" "YES."
"That I WANT you to see my naked shaved pussy?"
"Why would I do that little Brother? . . . Huh? ... Why?"
"Cause you're horny, and you heard I have a big cock."
"Holy SHIT little Brother .. . so .. . what? I wanna fuck
my own BROTHER?"
"Yeah ... You do."
"JESUS, Mikey ... that's fucking CRAZY .. . when are Mom and Dad getting back from Vegas?" "Tomorrow night, 9:00 flight."
"Yeah . . . OK .. . Wanna go home? Hang out?"
"Watch a movie? .. . Cruel Intentions?"
"TV in my room?"